Main » 2017 » January » 17 » Tracking Your Diabetic Bengal's Health
5:47 AM
Tracking Your Diabetic Bengal's Health

Did you know that diabetic felines like the Bengal may be prone to additional health risks or illnesses due to their compromised health? Talk with your vet to find out what you can look in terms of signs or symptoms of additional health issues in your cat. For example, diabetic cats tend to have an increase in urinary tract infections (UTI) compared to non-diabetic cats. Symptoms of UTI include difficult or painful urination, blood in the urine, abnormal or frequent urination and even urinating in inappropriate locations. Call your vet if your Cat has any of these symptoms. Another illness may be pancreatitis, which is a severe inflammation of the pancreas. Some researchers believe the severity is heightened due to the presence of diabetes. Symptoms may include lethargy, depression, vomiting, abdominal pain, dehydration and possible diarrhea. If your cat has any of these symptoms notify your veterinarian care Columbia, MD.

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