Main » 2018 » February » 25 » Top Causes Of Inappropriate Urination In Cats
4:07 AM
Top Causes Of Inappropriate Urination In Cats

Inappropriate urination occurs when a cat pees in other places other than the litter box. There are several causes of inappropriate urination in cats. These include:

  • Medical conditions - arthritis, urinary tract infection, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and a host of other health issues.
  • Aversion to the litter box - a cat may develop an aversion for the litter box due to a number of reasons including negative experiences while using the litter box, disapproval of the location of the litter box, the type of litter used, or the size and/or design of the litter.

If you notice that your kitty has been urinating outside his litter box frequently, you should take him to your best veterinary clinic Sale Creek, TN. Several tests may be performed to determine if your cat’s behavior is caused by an underlying health issue. If a medical reason is not established, it is time to determine the non-medical reason/s that may be causing your pet to behave this way.

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