Main » 2014 » August » 2 » To Male or to Female, THAT is the Dilemma
1:48 AM
To Male or to Female, THAT is the Dilemma

You are gazing over a fresh litter of kittens and you have been awarded first pick.

There are males and females, but you are trying to weigh out the pros and cons to each gender.

Most importantly, your considerations should lean in the direction of your lifestyle and how involved will you be with decisions later down the road as the kitten matures. Is the kitten an indoor or outdoor pet?

If you get a male, you will need to consider shots, declawing, neutering, and you will need to consider its level of aggression or its territorialism. If it’s a female, it’s shots, fixing, and declawing.

If you only take the kitten for shots and you’re planning on leaving the rest to nature, then consider what you will experience when each gender goes through when it goes into heat for the first time.

Follow this link to the site for the veterinary clinic Chesapeake for more info. 

Views: 458 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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