Main » 2016 » April » 24 » Signs of Colic in Arabians
6:07 AM
Signs of Colic in Arabians

Colic is a serious disease and can even be fatal if not identified and treated in a timely manner. Call your vet immediately if your Arabian starts to look or act “colicky”. Many horses like the Arabian tend to colic when there is a problem in their gastro-intestinal tract, which causes severe abdominal pain. Many things can trigger colic including an abrupt change in grain or hay, sudden change in temperature, dehydration, impaction, gas, and even stress. Symptoms of colic are as numerous as the causes and may include your Arabian pawing at the ground, lying down for long periods of time, excessive rolling, thrashing or kicking, grunting, or even moaning. Do not administer any medication unless directed by your vet. Colic is most often treated by the administering of either medications or the use of a stomach tube to alleviate gas in the stomach. Talk with your veterinarian Marion County, AL for more information.

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