Main » 2016 » April » 26 » Siamese Cats and Multiple Litter Boxers
10:56 AM
Siamese Cats and Multiple Litter Boxers

Is your Siamese cat leaving a mess around his litter box instead of in it? Is the litter box full when he does this or even a little dirty? If so, your cat may be trying to tell you that he’d like to have an extra litter box. Some cats had a different definition of clean and often use their little box once or twice before deciding it’s dirty. Most experts recommend one litter box per cat in your home with a spare tucked away just in case. If your cat is spraying or leaving a mess around his current litter box try adding a second one. If this doesn’t solve the problem, contact your vet and set up an appointment. Your cat may be ill or having trouble using the bathroom in general. This behavior could also simply be a bad habit developing. Talk with your veterinarian Natrona Heights, PA for assistance.

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