Main » 2017 » January » 25 » Rabbits Benefit From Regular Exercise
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Rabbits Benefit From Regular Exercise

Contrary to popular notion, rabbits won’t thrive well when housed in small enclosures. They need lots of space for exercise, play, and engage in instinctive behavior. Without which, they can have higher risks to developing obesity and become more prone to all sorts of health problems that can adversely affect their health and wellbeing. Some of these problems can prove to be fatal. Rabbits carrying excess weight also have higher risks of developing urinary tract problems and tend to be bladder stone formers.

In addition to lack of physical activity, being overweight may also be caused by a poor diet – an unbalanced diet or feeding an incorrect diet.

Another reason rabbits should be given many opportunities to engage in physical activity is associated with their digestive function. Without adequate exercise, rabbits can develop gastrointestinal (GI) stasis and a host of other problems affecting the digestive tract.

Work with your vet Scottsdale, AZ in creating a weight loss program that is appropriate for your pet’s needs.

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