Main » 2016 » April » 26 » Protecting Your Cat from Household Poisons
6:26 AM
Protecting Your Cat from Household Poisons

Cats are curious and get into everything so it is up to you to protect your kitty from household poisons. Safely store all household chemicals, pesticides and lawn chemicals to prevent accidental poisoning. Many human foods can be dangerous to cats. Some foods can upset your cat’s stomach, cause adverse reactions or even cause death. Keep all food off the counters and in the refrigerator and cabinets. Research what foods are dangerous to make sure no foods you share with your cat even has these as ingredients. Check that any plants you have in your home are not toxic to cats. Take special diligence when a bouquet of flowers arrives since in the excitement of receiving a gift you may forget. And your cat will find the new bunch of flowers especially appealing. If you smoke, consider quitting. Secondhand smoke is as dangerous to your cat as to people. Contact your Portland, OR veterinary clinic for more information.

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