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2017 » April » 7 » Obedience Training versus Behavior Training
8:31 AM Obedience Training versus Behavior Training |
Obedience training helps your dog learn what you want him to do, usually with a command. This would include sit, stay, down, come and the like. The general method is to use a food treat to approximate the desired behavior. You introduce a command and when your dog does the behavior, he gets the treat and praise. Eventually you reduce and then eliminate the treats so he obeys you by the command and praise alone. Behavior training, on the other hand, generally involves teaching your dog what not to do and includes housetraining, not jumping on people, not begging at the table, among other behaviors. This training relies on your deterring your dog from doing the behavior through redirection or prevention. Then you anticipate when the undesired behavior will occur and giving him something else to do. Neither type of training involves punishment or yelling. For more information, contact your Veterinary Clinic Cherry Hill, NJ. |
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