Main » 2017 » January » 25 » My Irish Setter Scratched his Eye
10:18 AM
My Irish Setter Scratched his Eye

If you own a dog like the Irish Setter then you’re probably already familiar with how much dogs love to play rough especially with other dogs or their owners. Sometimes playtime can lead to injuries like a scratched eye. A dog that has scratched his eye will typically blink excessively. The eye may also tear up or become extremely watery. In some cases, the white of the eye will appear to be red or irritated. If possible, check your dog’s eye for any debris or foreign objects. If you don’t see anything then it could be that the surface of eye is scratched. You may be able to see the scratch with your; however, your veterinarian London, ON may want to take a closer look. Before taking your dog in, try and cover the eye with a cloth or use a cone to prevent your dog from scratching it further with his nails. For more details, visit here.

Views: 404 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian London ON | Rating: 0.0/0
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