Main » 2017 » January » 23 » My Devon Rex has Cleaner in Her Eyes
10:07 AM
My Devon Rex has Cleaner in Her Eyes

Keeping cleaning chemicals and other solutions out of reach of your pets is a very important practice. Just like children, dogs and cats have been known to snoop around and accidentally get into dangerous cleaning solutions. If this happens to your Devon Rex, call your vet immediately. You may also need to call the pet poison control as well. Make sure you have the cleaning solution handy so you can tell your vet or poison control what kind of chemicals your cat was exposed to. In most cases, poison control will give you a list of treatment suggestions and have you take your cat to the vet. Your vet may then refer to poison control guidelines and treat accordingly. While awaiting treatment, keep your cat’s eye covered to prevent further damage as well as to prevent your cat from scratching at the eye. Do not treat your cat’s eyes yourself unless instructed by your vet Myakka, FL.

Views: 488 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: cat care tips | Rating: 0.0/0
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