Main » 2016 » April » 26 » My American Curl Meows Constantly
12:28 PM
My American Curl Meows Constantly

Some felines “talk” more than others. For instance, the Siamese cat is a very vocal feline. The American Curl is more of an average talker and tends not to meow as much. However, if your curl starts meowing excessively it could be a sign of an illness or some other underlying cause. Call your vet to schedule a check up right away. Excessive meowing could be for a number of reasons including illness, attention seeking, loneliness, stress, or even aging. If your cat is ill, his meowing could signal that he feels hungry, thirsty, or is in pain. It’s important to take your cat to see your vet and not to allow the meowing to go on for long. Getting to know your cat can help you become more familiar with her meowing patterns and allow you to identify the reasoning on your own. Contact your veterinary clinic Natrona Heights, PA for more details.

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