Main » 2014 » December » 14 » Molting of Tarantulas
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Molting of Tarantulas

Tarantulas do molt. You will know that your pet is ready to molt when it is lying on its back. You should never touch your tarantula at this point because it is extremely fragile during this time.

There may be tarantula owners who will be quite alarmed to find their pets on their back. Although most will molt while lying on their back, some will molt on their sides. Molting can take a few hours; always keep an eye on your pet during this time but never touch a molting tarantula.

Here are some other signs that will indicate your pet is about to molt:

  • A tarantula starts to eat less or may totally stop eating a few days or a few weeks before molting.
  • A tarantula that is about to molt can become quite sluggish.
  • Some develop a bald spot on their abdomen, which can grow increasingly dark as molting draws near. However, the bald spot will be soon gone after molting.

Know more about your pet tarantula’s needs by consulting with your North Phoenix veterinarian. Here’s more information on this site.

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