Main » 2014 » August » 25 » Kitty Grooming
4:33 AM
Kitty Grooming

The condition of your cat’s skin and coat can reveal important indications of your pet’s overall health. Regular grooming can also help keep your cat’s coat smooth and tangle-free.

As you ran a brush through your cat’s fur, you are removing loose hairs and dander. Regular brushing also keeps the coat dirt-free by getting rid of debris and mud. The brushing motion also promotes even distribution of natural skin oils on the hair shafts.

Moreover, brushing can greatly reduce pet dander and hairs floating around your home, which can become potential allergens.

Daily grooming can also help reduce the amount of hairs that may be swallowed during self-grooming. Swallowed hairs can pile up in the stomach and form hairballs. These hairballs can cause blockage within the digestive tract, and possibly pave the way for more serious health risks.

For more information ask your Treasure Coast veterinary clinic about cat care. Visit this website.

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