Main » 2017 » January » 15 » Keeping Your Senior Cat Comfortable in the Winter
4:45 AM
Keeping Your Senior Cat Comfortable in the Winter

With the cold weather upon us, your senior cat may need help to stay comfortable. Most importantly, keep your cat from getting out of the house. Heavy winds or snow is disorienting and your cat could get lost. A night out in the cold of winter can be disastrous. Secure all doors and windows and check any other escape routes such as in the basement. Many people lower their heat when they are not at home but don’t forget that your cat is still home and act accordingly. Raise her bed off the cold floor and consider giving your cat an additional blanket or sleeping bag to keep warm. Your kitty might be a little hungrier in the winter so you can feed her more as long as she doesn’t get fat. Keep up your regular exercise routine to keep your cat flexible and for additional warmth. Learn more from your Oconomowoc, WI veterinary clinic.

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