Main » 2016 » April » 23 » Keeping Your Dog Away from Your Kid's Stuffed Animals
8:58 AM
Keeping Your Dog Away from Your Kid's Stuffed Animals

There are an awful lot of similarities between your dog’s toys and your kid’s toys. These similarities are especially striking when it comes to stuffed animals. Here are a few tips on keeping your dog away from your kid’s stuffed animals.

Of course, the best way to keep your dog from tearing your child’s stuffed animals to shreds is to keep them up off the floor and out of reach. The best solution is a stuffed animal hammock that hangs in the corner, but putting stuffed animals in boxes or in a closed closet can help too.

If your child is no good at cleaning up her stuffed animals, you may have to consider leaving the door shut to her bedroom to keep the dog at bay.

There are some scents that can keep your dog away too. Your veterinary clinic Lafayette, LA can tell you more about how it works.

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