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5:57 AM
Keeping Your Cat Off the Kitchen Counters

Your cat may jump up on the kitchen counters to get food from you or she might like the vantage point for observing her territory. However, this can be unsanitary and annoying when you are preparing food. Clean all the counters of food so there is nothing tempting up there. And never again give your cat food while she is on the counter. If she jumps up, remove her without fuss. Cover the countertops with aluminum foil strips or double-sided tape. These materials feel weird to your cat and will deter her from getting up on the counters. Give your cat an alternative perch such as a table or shelf so she can watch you and the hubbub in your kitchen. Don’t punish or yell at your cat since this will only confuse her. Be patient as your cat learns that the counter isn’t her place. To know more, contact your Indianapolis, IN veterinarian. Visit for additional information.

Views: 400 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Indianapolis IN | Rating: 5.0/1
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