Main » 2016 » April » 1 » Is your dog overweight?
1:39 PM
Is your dog overweight?

Your dog has gone through many life stages while in your care, and lately you’ve noticed that he’s entered another one – he is now a bit overweight. How can you help him get back on track?

When making changes in your dog’s life, try to look at how it currently is before tackling too much. This should give you some insight into why your pet became overweight in the first place, and thus allow you to determine the best route to take to correct the problem. Your dog will likely need a combination of exercise and altered eating habits. Try playing with him more often to get him moving, and try to extend your walks a bit when possible. Offer him a healthy food option if you aren’t already, and be sure to give it to him in appropriate portions. Your local Montgomery, TX vet clinic, the Lake Conroe - Lakeway Animal Medical & Surgical Clinic can offer additional suggestions.

Views: 407 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Montgomery TX vet clinic | Rating: 5.0/1
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