Main » 2014 » December » 10 » How to Talk to your Puppy
10:54 AM
How to Talk to your Puppy

A responsible pet owner knows how to communicate with his pooch using effective channels of communication. Being able to communicate on the same plane with your puppy will help you deal effectively with your pet.

Some actions or gestures can be misunderstood by your puppy or adult dog. Leaning over your puppy can be intimidating for him.  Your pet may interpret this as your way of telling him you’re the boss and you are in control.

Puppies can be upset or frightened by this action. Thus you may find your puppy exhibiting specific gestures in an effort to try to appease you, such as submissive urination.

If you are dealing with a strange dog, your action may incite aggression or defensive action as you lean over him.

To avoid this reaction, give your puppy a chance to approach you. Crouching or kneeling on the floor will make you less intimidating for your pet.

Your Portland vet can help you deal with any aggressive behavior exhibited by your pooch. Check out this link

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