Main » 2014 » December » 24 » Houseplants that can harm your cat
2:53 PM
Houseplants that can harm your cat

People who spend their time with their feline friends know just how curious a cat can be. The average housecat has explored every inch of her home at one point or another. This means that hazards around the house can be hard to hide from your pet. In fact, some may be right in plain site within your home, but you simply haven’t recognized them yet.

There are many houseplants that can harm your cat if she decides to check them out a bit. A few of these houseplants are aloe vera, lilies, poinsettias, and tulip bulbs. While these may be common in homes across the country, they are not safe for your cat to ingest. Each will present its own issues to your pet. If your pet does come into contact with one of these plants, seek medical attention.

A Greenwood vet clinic can provide more information on hazards that may exist in or around you home.

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