Main » 2014 » December » 24 » Helping your cat stay calm at the vet
12:58 PM
Helping your cat stay calm at the vet

An anxious pet can put any pet owner on edge. If your cat becomes nervous when you head to the vet’s office, you are likely to become stressed about the event as well. Since visits to your local Southside vet clinic aren’t something you should skip, it’s best to make the most of the situation. Try offering a special toy to your cat while in his carrier to take his mind off where he’s headed. If possible, stay with your cat during the apppointment. There is nothing in your vet’s office that will provide your cat with as much comfort as your presence will. Also, since your cat will likely sense your mood, try not to get stressed about your cat’s view of the visit. Staying positive can help your pet calm his nerves by showing him that there is nothing to worry about. To read more, please click here.

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