Main » 2018 » February » 1 » Handling your snake
3:22 AM
Handling your snake

Sharing your home with a snake can be a wonderfully exciting thing. However, you know that these animals are largely solitary creatures who love their alone time. Does this mean you shouldn’t handle your snake?

It is okay to handle your pet, and it is even encouraged. It is, however, important that you respect your pet’s preferences when doing so. Your snake will need to be held regularly in order to get used to this. This will help him stay calm when being moved from one area to another or when he is being examined by his veterinarian. Start small with short periods of time holding your pet and long breaks in between the times you pick him up, then you can work up to more interaction as he begins to trust you. For additional information, please consult your local vet Dayton, TN.

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