Main » 2014 » August » 26 » Fleas in Dogs
10:24 AM
Fleas in Dogs

If your pet dog stays outside most of the time, flea control may be a challenge to deal with. You can use flea control products formulated to eliminate different life stages of fleas; however, this is just a temporary solution. If your house or yard is heavily infested with fleas, you will also need to treat your dog’s environment. Doing so can also protect you from flea bites which can be very itchy and bothersome.

If your dog is hypersensitive to flea bites, it may need antihistamines to neutralize the effect. The itchiness can also lead to persistent scratching, causing skin abrasions that may lead to secondary bacterial infection. When this happens, your dog may need to see a veterinarian and be given some antibiotics.

A good flea eradication program should be followed to protect your pets against flea infestations. Fleas can also be carriers of specific health problems that may be transmitted to your dog.

Ask your vets Diamond Bar regarding important pet issues.

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