Main » 2016 » April » 22 » Exercises for your Conure
4:33 AM
Exercises for your Conure

Parrots, like the Conure, need to be exercised on a regular basis to avoid boredom. Conures usually have a lot of energy, but they don’t always have the opportunity to release that energy while in their cage. They need time to move around and stretch their legs and wings outside of their cage. They also need something like exercising to help them stay focused on the task at hand. Some pet bird owners encourage their birds to flap their wings, dance, or even play chase as a way to work in an exercise routine. You can also encourage your Conure to climb up and down a rope. For instance, take a sturdy rope and hang it from a high place. You can teach your Conure to climb it. You can also place your bird on the stairs and encourage him to hop up and down. Talk with your veterinary clinic Myakka, FL about additional exercising tips.

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