Main » 2018 » February » 25 » Exercise and your sugar glider
11:35 PM
Exercise and your sugar glider

Your sugar glider is an excellent companion, and you know that she needs plenty of exercise in order to stay healthy. This means that she will need you to encourage her to get up and move whenever you have the chance.

You can do this by giving her a lot of room to get around in her enclosure. This should then be filled with appealing items for her to get some exercise with, as she will want to enjoy her time there. She should be having some fun so it is engaging for her. She wants you to interact with her as well, so take the time to keep her active when you take her out of her enclosure as well. This will allow for different games and activities, in addition to different toys. For additional information, please contact your local Oshawa, ON veterinarian.

Views: 410 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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