Main » 2017 » January » 23 » Enjoying time with your dog
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Enjoying time with your dog

You love being able to shower your dog with attention. However, you also know that there will be days when you have less time to spend with her than you’d like. How can you make the most of all the time you do have with your pet?

Your dog loves being with you, and he doesn’t discriminate between activities. This means that he is just as happy to be beside you as you talk to him while going about your daily tasks as he is when you cuddle up with him on the couch after a long day. To make the most of all the time with your pet, even when you can’t give him your undivided attention, you will simply need to make sure he is included in whatever you are doing, and have some fun. Your local Greenville, SC vet clinic can help you better understand what your pet needs from you. Read more here.

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