Main » 2016 » April » 23 » Early Signs That Your Cat Might Have Diabetes
4:14 AM
Early Signs That Your Cat Might Have Diabetes

Unfortunately, diabetes is becoming a bit more common in cats. Although a cat can live with the disease, it’s much better to stop your cat from getting it in the first place. Here are a few early signs that your cat might have diabetes.

You might notice that your cat is extremely thirsty. Because he’s really thirsty, you’ll probably also notice that the litter box fills up more quickly than it used to.

Obese cats are more likely to develop diabetes, but as your feline friend develops the disease, you may actually notice him losing weight. At the same time, you may notice that his appetite increases and he eats more as he tries to pull nutrients from the food he eats.

If you worry that your cat might have diabetes, schedule an appointment with your vet Lafayette, LA right away.

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