Main » 2018 » February » 26 » Disaster preparation as a pet owner
0:46 AM
Disaster preparation as a pet owner

You share your home with a wonderful little fur ball, and you can’t help but think about how you can keep him safe, happy, and well-cared for. What should you do to prepare for a potential disaster scenario?

You know your pet well, and you are familiar with her needs. You are also likely aware of the potential threats in your neck of the woods, so you can make preparations accordingly. Think about these scenarios with your pet in mind to determine how you will meet his needs should something happen. It’s a good idea to plan ahead and have some additional supplies on hand in case you need them, and an action plan in place to ensure everyone’s safety. This will likely include a plan and supplies should you be stuck in your home for a while, or in case you need to leave it with your dog. For more information, please give your veterinarians Roanoke, VA a call.

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