Main » 2018 » February » 3 » Choosing a collar for your cat
8:15 PM
Choosing a collar for your cat

Your cat needs a collar. This essential pet supply items helps let others know she has a happy home to go back to where people are looking after her. It also can help bring her home if she gets separated from you, as it will house her identification tags containing your contact information.

To find the right collar for your cat, you will need to think about the right size for your pet. Her collar should be loose enough to be comfortable, but not so loose that she will lose it easily. It should have a break-away feature to help keep her safe, and it should have additional features that may be helpful to her, like a reflective portion if she tends to head out when it is a bit darker out. Your local Temecula, CA vet can help you care for your pet. Visit this Profile for more information.


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