Main » 2014 » December » 16 » Cat Owner Mistake: Allowing your Cat to Roam Free Outdoors
5:05 AM
Cat Owner Mistake: Allowing your Cat to Roam Free Outdoors

In the past, allowing pet cats outside access is never a big issue, however, time and circumstances have changed a lot and the outdoors are not that “cat-friendly” now.

Many cat owners choose to keep their cat indoors all the time because of the following reasons:

  • There are many cases of injury or death when cats are run over by vehicles.
  • Cats can ingest poison (intentionally or accidentally).
  • There are higher risks of injury or death by fighting with other cats.
  • Cats allowed outdoors can easily contract important infectious diseases from other cats.
  • There are higher chances of being infected by fleas, ticks, or ringworm.
  • There have been cases when cats are injured or killed by people.
  • Cats can also be injured or killed by dogs and other potential predators.
  • Outdoor cats may kill wildlife.
  • A cat may get lost and get picked up by animal control.
  • Cats may be stolen and sold as laboratory animals or bait for illegal gaming.
  • Allowing cats to roam outside may get you in hot water with neighbors especially when your pet litters in their yards.

Working with your East Greenwich vet can help ensure your pet’s welfare and safety. Click here for more pet care information.

Wickford Veterinary Clinic

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