Main » 2018 » February » 4 » Cat furniture basics
10:30 AM
Cat furniture basics

Your cat loves to take the time to relax around your home, and you know she seeks out places that she can call her own. This makes you wonder – should you get her some furniture of her own?

Your pet may spend a lot of time in your living space, but the items within it are likely made for human use. Offering her some furniture of her own may meet her needs a bit better, as it would be tailored specifically to feline use. Items like a cat bed or a cat tree will likely make your living space more comfortable and welcoming for your little fur ball, as she will see that she is included in the space even more. It can also help her get things done more efficiently, as she won’t be searching for places to meet her needs. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Webster NY.

Views: 434 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Webster NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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