Main » 2016 » April » 12 » Are Dogs Naturally Happy?
8:12 PM
Are Dogs Naturally Happy?

Dogs always seem so happy-go-lucky! Are dogs naturally this way, or are they only happy because we work hard to make sure they’re comfortable?

In general, dogs are easy to please. It doesn’t take much to make a canine happy! Just walking through the door after being apart for a few hours is enough to get your dog excited.

Because of this happy baseline, it’s pretty easy to turn around a dog that has had a rough or challenging life. With the right environment, a dog will turn around fast!

Just because your dog is naturally happy doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can do to make sure he stays happy. Provide your dog with a diet of high-quality dog food, help him get plenty of exercise, and provide him with positive attention.

To know more, call your veterinarian Aurora, CO, the Aspen Commons Animal Hospital.

Views: 856 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Aurora CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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