Main » 2018 » February » 7 » Antifreeze Poisoning In Cats
0:24 AM
Antifreeze Poisoning In Cats

Antifreeze (active ingredients is ethylene glycol) is extremely toxic to cats. It is commonly used in car radiators and some types of screen washes. Cats can easily ingest antifreeze from drinking water from puddles, ditches, or ponds. Antifreeze can also be a component of snowglobes and some types of inks. Upon ingestion, ethylene glycol is rapidly absorbed into the body and within hours, severe damage to the kidney can take place. Cases of antifreeze toxicity in cats are very difficult to treat. The early signs may include vomiting and wobbling as if the cat is drunk. The cat may also appear very still and quiet. In advanced cases, affected cats can have a fit as a result of the pain brought about by kidney failure. Antifreeze is sweet thus cats are easily attracted to it. Take note that even 6 ml of antifreeze can be enough to kill your kitty. If you think your pet had access to antifreeze, don’t wait for symptoms to appear, call your London, ON veterinary clinic ASAP.

Views: 399 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Care Center | Rating: 0.0/0
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