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Gerbils like to sleep all day and play all night. You will most likely feed your gerbil once a morning but he may not touch it. If possible, get on a routine where you feed him once a night so that he’s up and moving about when you give him his food. Give your gerbil the suggested amount of seed or gerbil food based on the instructions on the box. If he eats it all, offer him a bit more at the next feeding. If he wastes a lot, cut back a bit. In addition to seeds/gerbil food, feed your gerbil fresh fruits or vegetables. For instance, he can have one teaspoon of fresh apples or one teaspoon of fresh carrots twice a week. Remember, gerbils are small and they don’t eat large amounts. For more tips and food suggestions, talk with your Pet clinic Portage, MI.

Views: 379 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Hamsters are a popular choice among children. They’re so tiny and cute! Not to mention, they get to keep the cage in their bedroom, making the animal a true pet of their own. Before you bring one home, you have to know if your child is patient enough to own a hamster.

Hamsters aren’t born with an innate interest in getting to know humans. Most animals require a lot of socialization before they look forward to coming out of the cage. That means it isn’t uncommon for these critters to nibble and bite as they are getting to know their owners.

Your child will want to play with their new furry friend ... Read more »

Views: 318 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Did you know that the FeLV virus in cats like the Manx stands for the Feline Leukemia Virus? This is a virus that can affect cats of all ages and breeds. It can affect both male and female. FeLV is not contagious to people or other animals. Research shows that younger cats and senior cats are more prone to get FeLV than other cats. This is because of the underdeveloped immune system in kittens and a compromised or weakened immune system in elderly cats. The FeLV virus can further weaken the immune system causing the cats to be susceptible to other illnesses and disease. Some illnesses caused by FeLV include kidney disease and other cancers. Lymphoma is the leading cancer caused by FeLV. The disease can also cause lymposarcoma which is a highly malignant and fatal form of cancer in the lymph system. For ... Read more »

Views: 360 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Does your cat enjoy going for walks with you? If so, plan to take longer walks with your cat in the early morning and late evening hours during the summertime. Even if your cat doesn’t walk with you, plan to let her out for her own walks during the morning and evening. Walks or time outside during the day should be kept to a minimum and based on the temperature outside. If it’s too hot for you to be out then keep your cat indoors as well. When you take your cat out early in the day, make sure you use a reflective leash and harness and wear reflective clothing. Do the same if you go out later in the evening. If you must take your cat out midday, choose a shaded area to walk and stay on the cool grass. For more tips, give your Washington DC vet a call. Click this website Brentwood Animal Hospital for additional details.

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Views: 375 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.03.2018 | Comments (0)