Main » 2018 » July » 3 » How Often Should I Feed my Gerbil?
12:49 PM
How Often Should I Feed my Gerbil?

Gerbils like to sleep all day and play all night. You will most likely feed your gerbil once a morning but he may not touch it. If possible, get on a routine where you feed him once a night so that he’s up and moving about when you give him his food. Give your gerbil the suggested amount of seed or gerbil food based on the instructions on the box. If he eats it all, offer him a bit more at the next feeding. If he wastes a lot, cut back a bit. In addition to seeds/gerbil food, feed your gerbil fresh fruits or vegetables. For instance, he can have one teaspoon of fresh apples or one teaspoon of fresh carrots twice a week. Remember, gerbils are small and they don’t eat large amounts. For more tips and food suggestions, talk with your Pet clinic Portage, MI.

Views: 379 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic portage mi, veterinarians portage mi, pet clinic portage mi | Rating: 0.0/0
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