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You will soon be bringing a furry friend into your home and you are preparing for her arrival. Because the pet supply items for a guinea pig are readily available, you feel your main challenge will be to get used to interacting with your pet. How can you do this?

You will need to start off gradually getting your pet used to having contact with you. Remember that she doesn’t know you and that you are a lot larger than she is. She needs time to begin to trust in you and understand that you are looking after her. Talk to her and offer some attention when you are meeting her other needs, like cleaning her cage up a little or offering her some food. Dedicate some time to each day to bring her out of her enclosure to move about freely so you can bond with one another a bit. For more information, please contact your Omaha NE veterinarian.

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Views: 405 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)

You recently added a cat to your household and you are happy to spend as much time with her as you can. However, neither of you are completely comfortable with this just yet. How can you get there?

Your pet is new to your life and it will take some time to get to know her. She also needs to get to know you and understand that you are a trustworthy friend who is looking out for her before she will be comfortable in your presence. Make an effort to spend as much time with your pet as you can so you can bond with one another. This will help you understand her needs better and allow you to get to know her personality so you can interact with her more efficiently. For additional information, please contact your local Portland, OR vet.

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Views: 385 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)

Your cat has a lot of pet supply items to meet her needs. However, some things will do the job a bit better than others. For example, would your cat benefit from having a cat tree around?

Your pet is a big part of your life and you know she has plenty of ways to care for herself in your home. A cat tree can add to this even if she has other ways of getting what she needs. This is because a cat tree is a multitasking item that will enhance your pet’s home life. She can climb on it and play or pick an area to rest and nap. She can also survey the entire room from atop a cat tree and scratch on it until her heart is content. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Coon Rapids, MN.

Views: 386 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)

Exposure to second- or third-hand smoke has been demonstrated to be an important cause of cancer in dogs, cats, and other pets. With this important information in mind, pet owners who smoke or use tobacco and nicotine-containing products should exercise precaution to minimize a pet’s exposure to smoke and nicotine. If you or any member of the family smokes, here are some precautionary measures to keep in mind:

  • Smoking should be prohibited in places where your pet spends a good part of the day. This is a rule that should be observed not only by family members but also by household guests.
  • Experts prohibit smoking inside the house because there is the release of contaminants into the air and the surroundings. Smoke residue can also cling to everything including your dog’s bed, your kitty’s toys, food and water bowls, etc.
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Views: 427 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)

Pets with allergies often suffer from frequent episodes of allergic rhinitis that can have them sneezing and coughing, swollen and itchy paws, inflamed ears, or digestive upsets? When a dog or cat is exposed to a certain allergen in their food or environment, a strong immune response is exerted by the body leading to the development of allergy symptoms. Even water that is contaminated with impurities can trigger an immune response in sensitive animals.Fortunately, not all dogs are hypersensitive to grasses, molds, pollens, food, etc. Pets suffering from frequent bouts of allergies tend to possess over-active immune systems that interpret common substances as toxic to the body thus inciting a powerful immune response. In order to reduce or stop your pet’s allergies, there is a need to figure out what is triggering the flare-ups. Considering that the allergen may be in their food and/or environment, you should take a closer look at all these factors. ... Read more »

Views: 372 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)

Overweight or obese cats and dogs can have higher risks of developing Type II Diabetes Mellitus, which is a form of diabetes that has an adult-set. Cases are higher are higher in middle-age and senior cats and dogs. Like people, the diet and lifestyle of pets are important predisposing factors that pave the way for the development of this important health issue. Diabetes develops when there is insufficient production of insulin hormone by the pancreas or the inefficient utilization of insulin in the body, a condition called insulin resistance. Important symptoms of diabetes mellitus in cats and dogs include a sudden increase in water consumption and consequently increase in urine volume, increase in food intake but with unexplained weight loss. Without veterinary attention and support, diabetic pets can develop serious complications that can adversely affect their health and quality of life. These include potentially serious infections of the kidneys and ... Read more »

Views: 402 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)