Main » 2018 » July » 27 » How to interact with a guinea pig
4:26 PM
How to interact with a guinea pig

You will soon be bringing a furry friend into your home and you are preparing for her arrival. Because the pet supply items for a guinea pig are readily available, you feel your main challenge will be to get used to interacting with your pet. How can you do this?

You will need to start off gradually getting your pet used to having contact with you. Remember that she doesn’t know you and that you are a lot larger than she is. She needs time to begin to trust in you and understand that you are looking after her. Talk to her and offer some attention when you are meeting her other needs, like cleaning her cage up a little or offering her some food. Dedicate some time to each day to bring her out of her enclosure to move about freely so you can bond with one another a bit. For more information, please contact your Omaha NE veterinarian.

Views: 400 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Omaha NE vet clinic | Rating: 0.0/0
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