A dog that wishes to attract the attention of the leader of the pack (by the way, that’s you!) will often go to extreme means just to get some attention. Whether your reaction is positive or not, a little bit of attention is better than nothing at all. Dogs have taken to perfect ways in order to get your attention and convey what they wish to communicate. Whether it’s to convey a want, or a need, or just get your undivided attention, dogs exhibit several forms of attention-seeking behavior that a dog owner should be able to interpret in order to give the right response. To seek your attention, a dog may resort to offensive behavior. Thus it is equally important to exercise positive reinforcement to let your dog know what is good and what behavior is not desirable. Since sudden changes in behavior can be caused by a health issue, a visit to your Hyattsville, MD vet clinic should be made sooner rather than later.
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Behavior problems are often most noticeable when a dog is restless or bored. In order to provide stimulating activities for your dog, here are some activities that you can both engaged in to while the time away.
Stock up on interactive toys
Keep you and your pet out of the doldrums. Enjoy interactive toys which can stimulate and sharpen your dog’s mind while keeping him from being bored. These interactive toys are usually associated with hidden treats and require some skill to get the reward. Interactive toys will certainly provide hours of entertainment for you and your pet.
Training sessions
If you are waiting for the best time to start your training sessions, now is the best time to start with the basic commands. Training should always be a fun activity for you and y
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Before bathing your dog, make sure that you have already prepared the things that you will need including shampoo or soap, towels, and hairdryer. The best place to bathe your dog is inside the bathtub. Make sure that you put in an anti-slip mat to prevent your dog from slipping. If your dog is afraid of taking baths, close the doors and windows to prevent him from escaping.When bathing your dog, be sure that you are using mild, hypoallergenic products to prevent hypersensitivity reactions which are usually manifested by skin itchiness and lesions. There are many organic soaps and shampoos that one can choose from. Bathing long-haired dogs can become a tasking experience. You need to know the technique in order to avoid knots and tangles of the dog’s hair. The best way to do avoid any problems with the dog’s hair is to untangle the knots first by applying an untangling product and letting it sit for a few minutes. Once the product has already
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Arthritis in cats and dogs can adversely affect their health and quality of life. Upon examination, your Washington DC veterinarian may recommend some diagnostic tests and procedures that may include the following:
- Radiographic examination – x-rays of the affected areas can provide a clear picture of the degenerative process within the affected joints.
- Joint Fluid Aspiration – this test will help determine whether the arthritis is inflammatory or degenerative arthritis.
- Biochemical Profile or Chemistry Panel and Complete Blood Count (CBC) – These are blood tests which are very important in evaluating the functions of important organs of the body including the heart, kidneys, liver, and pancreas. The CBC can also give you a complete picture of whether or not the different blood cells are present in normal quantities i
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There’s nothing more heartbreaking than your little baby giving you “puppy-eyes” when begging for more food. You can hardly resist such behavior but if your pet continues to be obese, it can give rise to more serious health problems. Increased body fat means a consequent increase in the work of the heart, which can lead to cardiovascular problems. When your pet is overweight, it will have difficulty in breathing and will easily be over-fatigued even after a small amount of exercise. With a large amount of adipose tissue, there is a tendency for your pet to become too lazy to move around thus further decreasing physical activity. Overweight pets are also prone to joint problems since their weight-bearing bones and joints suffer from stress which can possibly lead to painful arthritis. Obesity is also associated with increased risks of Diabetes Mellitus and other serious health problems, thus you should bring your pet to your Washington D
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