Main » 2018 » April » 13 » Bathing Tips for Dogs
11:26 AM
Bathing Tips for Dogs

Before bathing your dog, make sure that you have already prepared the things that you will need including shampoo or soap, towels, and hairdryer. The best place to bathe your dog is inside the bathtub. Make sure that you put in an anti-slip mat to prevent your dog from slipping. If your dog is afraid of taking baths, close the doors and windows to prevent him from escaping.When bathing your dog, be sure that you are using mild, hypoallergenic products to prevent hypersensitivity reactions which are usually manifested by skin itchiness and lesions. There are many organic soaps and shampoos that one can choose from. Bathing long-haired dogs can become a tasking experience. You need to know the technique in order to avoid knots and tangles of the dog’s hair. The best way to do avoid any problems with the dog’s hair is to untangle the knots first by applying an untangling product and letting it sit for a few minutes. Once the product has already set in, you can now apply the shampoo and thoroughly rinse off with water.

Any distinct changes in your pet’s hair or skin should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian care Hyattsville, MD.

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