Your catis a pretty fastidious animal. Thus if she stops using the litter box, you know something is amiss. The most common explanation is that her litter box is too dirty and smelly. If the litter box disgusting, your cat will find someplace less appropriate to go. Your cat may be stressed and avoid her litter box. Household guests or new household members, including other pets, can be stressful. Your cat can be disturbed by construction in or around your home. Stress may be caused by something even more simple such as moving the furniture around. Consider setting up a second litter box where your cat hangs out while she works through her stress. Of particular concern, your cat may stop using the litter box because she doesn’t feel well. If you can’t find an obvious reason for litter box avoidance, make an appointment with your Pleasanton, CA vet for evaluation and possible treatment.
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As the weather warmsup, ticks become more active.A tick bite can result in more than an itchy spot on your dog. It could get infected if scratched. Ticks are able to transmit many dangerous or deadly diseases to your dog. Thus it is vital that you protect your dog from tick bites. Shrubs and grasses are welcoming environments for ticks so keep your yard trimmed. After walking in fields, the woods or other tick-friendly places, inspect your dog for ticks. Use a tick prevention medication monthly to safeguard your dog. This medication should be given all year round to protect your dog. Just a few warm days cause ticks to become active and dangerous. If you discover a tick latched on to your dog, remove it completely.Thoroughly clean the wound. Consider requesting blood tests to see if the tick transmitted a disease such as Lyme disease. Contact your Pleasanton, CA vet to learn more.
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Pets of all ages require optimum care and attention, but very young puppies and senior pets benefit from special care so they will be able to thrive. Each life stage has specific nutritional and care needs that a responsible pet owner should be willing to commit to. Senior pets need a lifestage-appropriate diet because it contains essential nutrients that can help them deal with age-related issues. With aging comes the inevitable physical and mental decline and this can have an important effect on a dog’s ability to interact with other animals and with other members of the household. Early detection of signs of any medical condition is very important to improve the prognosis. Knowing what your senior pet is facing will also enable you to respond and care for them appropriat
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