Main » 2018 » April » 13 » Why You Should Give Treats In Moderation
7:48 AM
Why You Should Give Treats In Moderation

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than your little baby giving you “puppy-eyes” when begging for more food. You can hardly resist such behavior but if your pet continues to be obese, it can give rise to more serious health problems. Increased body fat means a consequent increase in the work of the heart, which can lead to cardiovascular problems. When your pet is overweight, it will have difficulty in breathing and will easily be over-fatigued even after a small amount of exercise. With a large amount of adipose tissue, there is a tendency for your pet to become too lazy to move around thus further decreasing physical activity. Overweight pets are also prone to joint problems since their weight-bearing bones and joints suffer from stress which can possibly lead to painful arthritis. Obesity is also associated with increased risks of Diabetes Mellitus and other serious health problems, thus you should bring your pet to your Washington DC animal hospital for a thorough checkup. Visit this website Brentwood Animal Hospital to learn more.

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