Main » 2018 » July » 25 » Why your hamster needs something to chew on
9:14 AM
Why your hamster needs something to chew on

Your hamster is always seeking out something to chew on and you’ve noticed that there are a lot of pet supply items that are made for pets like yours to gnaw on. Why is this?

While chewing may be a fun way for your pet to pass the time, it’s also an essential part of caring for himself. This is because his teeth are continually growing. This growth may ensure that he has strong, healthy teeth to use when needed, but it also means that they need to be tended to regularly. Chewing helps to file them down a bit so they don’t get so long that they break and it also rounds out any sharp edges that may be present so your pet doesn’t injure himself while simply trying to go about his day. For more information, please contact your local Anderson, IN veterinarian.


Views: 423 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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