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Swallowing a penny can be a dangerous thing for children and pets. First, there’s always a risk that the penny will get lodged in your dog’s throat or stuck in his stomach causing damage to the throat or stomach lining. Second, in pets, a penny can be very dangerous because it releases toxins into the system that are harmful to the dog. How can toxins come from a penny? Prior to 1982, pennies were made from copper which is harmless for animals if swallowed in small amounts (i.e. a penny). However, pennies dating after 1982 are no longer made with copper. They are lined with copper but are primarily made of zinc which is highly toxic. Zinc toxicity can cause vomiting and diarrhea, blood in urine, yellow mucous, liver and kidney failure, anemia, etc. Notify your Washington DC veterinary clinic right away if your dog has swallowed a penny. Visit this site to learn more.

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Views: 405 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.03.2018 | Comments (0)

If you own a cat, did you know that you could apply and get your cat health insurance? If you take your cat to the vet for routine wellness visits ask your vet about health insurance plans. Many veterinarian offices will carry pamphlets on a variety of insurance plans that they work with. There are usually multiple options for cat owners to choose from based on the health needs of their cat. Prices can range from low monthly payments to higher payments depending on health needs and the amount of coverage you would like for your cat. Make sure you review the paperwork and even call the companies or go online to find further information about the health insurance company and plan coverage. Health insurance for pets, like plans for humans, can help with basic need for routine lab work and some routine medications and treatments. Talk with your vet care Washington DC to learn more.

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Views: 404 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.03.2018 | Comments (0)

The Dermoid Sinus runs along the neck, back and tail of dogs in the Ridgeback family. It is a neural tube that is meant to drain dead cells, tissue, etc. However, during the embryonic state it can develop incorrectly causing infection or even abscesses along and under the skin. Signs that your Ridgeback breed canine may have the Dermoid Sinus defect include an opening on the middle of the back with protruding hair or a swirl and a tube or cord that can be felt beneath the opening. Some of the defects may not be visible as they are further beneath the skin, however, a discharge may be visible. Infections can occur when the sinus becomes plugged and unable to drain as intended. Some of these sinuses connect to the lining of the spinal cord causing alarm for neurological damage as well. For more information, consult with your veterinarian Washington, DC.

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Views: 465 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Did you know that putting your dog in a kennel or having spend a day at the groomers can jeopardize his health if he hasn’t been vaccinated for kennel cough? Kennel cough is an illness that can develop when dogs are in kennel situations in which there is not appropriate ventilation and the room or area is overcrowded. Kennel cough is a bacteria virus and is like a cold which is contagious. You can protect your pup from kennel cough by walking through a kennel or grooming facility before choosing to leave your dog there. You can also have your dog vaccinated to prevent the development of kennel cough. Not only vaccinations will be 100% effective so be on the lookout for symptoms if your dog has stayed in a kennel recently. Your Hyattsville, MD veterinarian can tell you typical symptoms include including coughing, sneezing, eye discharge, and a runny nose. Visit this link for more information: ... Read more »

Views: 389 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Hip dysplasia is a common illness that affects medium to large dog breeds as they age. Sometimes the disease can make an early appearance in the dog’s life as well. Hip dysplasia occurs when the joint and socket in the hip area no longer meets or operates as it should. Eventual grinding and rubbing of the join area occurs causing deterioration and lack of use for that area. Causes of hip dysplasia include genetics, birth defects, injury, trauma, or even earlier onset of arthritis. When the join is unable to pass smoothly, the joint just breaks down from the rubbing and grinding and your dog can longer move. Common symptoms of this condition include joint looseness or laxity, decreased activity, difficulty for the dog to rise, run, jump or climb stairs, hind-limb lameness, hopping or a swaying gate, painful hip joints, decreased range of motion, and loss of muscle mass. Ask your vet clinic Hyattsville, MD to lear ... Read more »

Views: 412 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.03.2018 | Comments (0)