Main » 2018 » June » 3 » Signs Your Canine May Have Hip Dysplasia
9:37 AM
Signs Your Canine May Have Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a common illness that affects medium to large dog breeds as they age. Sometimes the disease can make an early appearance in the dog’s life as well. Hip dysplasia occurs when the joint and socket in the hip area no longer meets or operates as it should. Eventual grinding and rubbing of the join area occurs causing deterioration and lack of use for that area. Causes of hip dysplasia include genetics, birth defects, injury, trauma, or even earlier onset of arthritis. When the join is unable to pass smoothly, the joint just breaks down from the rubbing and grinding and your dog can longer move. Common symptoms of this condition include joint looseness or laxity, decreased activity, difficulty for the dog to rise, run, jump or climb stairs, hind-limb lameness, hopping or a swaying gate, painful hip joints, decreased range of motion, and loss of muscle mass. Ask your vet clinic Hyattsville, MD to learn more.

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