In cats, rapid weight loss can increase their risk to suffering fatty liver disease. The high fat percentage in the body of obese cats can increase their risk for liver disease,
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Your puppy explores his world with his mouth while biting and chewing. He played rough and fought with his littermates. However, when you bring your puppy home, he doesn’t know how to control his biting or chewing and could hurt people. Your puppy’s teeth are sharp so even a minor bite can hurt and bleed. Begin managing your puppy’s nipping with your reaction. If your puppy plays too hard with his littermates, they yelp. Emulate this situation. As soon as your puppy’s teeth touch your skin, yelp whether it is painful or not. Your puppy will stop biting. Say your puppy’s name and the NO command. Immediately redirect your puppy to an appropriate thing to bite such as a chew toy. Praise your puppy if he selects the chew toy on his own. Be patient and enthusiastic. Never punish or yell at your puppy while he is learning. <
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Addison’s Disease or Hypoadrenocorticism is caused by a deficiency of the adrenal gland hormones. It is an endocrine condition which is brought about an abnormal decrease in the body’s production of cortisol and aldosterone. One of the most common causes of Addison’s disease is the destruction of the tissues of the adrenal gland which is brought about by an autoimmune disorder. Other potential causes include cancer, certain medications, infections, and health problems that interfere in pituitary gland function. Dogs that are on long-term steroid therapy and stop abruptly are also at higher risks of adrenal gland tissue damage, which can lead to the so-called ‘Addisonian Crisis’. This is an important reason why there is a need to taper off the dosage of steroid medication.
There are dogs that are genetically predisposed to Addison’s Disease. These breeds include English Springer Span
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Some work and research are necessary to help you find the best canine breed that can easily fit into your home and lifestyle. Pet owners and your veterinarian are also important sources of information. Some factors that should be considered include the breed’s needs, size, and temperament. You should also ask yourself if you are ready to commit time, effort, and money to meet the basic needs of your pet.
Some breeds of dogs are more sociable and affectionate than others; while there are those that are more predisposed to displays of aggressive behavior. You should carefully ask yourself and other members of the family what type of pet you prefer whether it is a lap dog, a guard dog, or an all-around family pet.
Exercise requirements and living space
Some dog
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There are many options for treating arthritis in dogs. One of the most common practices by veterinarians is prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) to relieve pain and reduce the inflammation. However, this is just a temporary approach to managing arthritis and the dog should be monitored closely for any signs of reaction that warrants veterinary attention immediately.
To protect your dog from the early onset of arthritis, you should take a proactive approach against the problem. This can be achieved with a life-stage appropriate premium quality diet, maintaining an ideal weight, regular exercise and the use of natural joint supplements (glucosamine, chondroitin, etc.) that can help strengthen and preserve the integrity of the bone and joint tissues.
A nutritionally balanced diet help ensures your dog’s adequate daily intake of vitamins and minerals which ar
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Some breeds of dogs, like the Chihuahua and Cairn Terrier, are known to be ‘barkers’. And there are also those that bark because they like the sound of their own voices. But when it becomes a persistent habit, pet owners will realize that they are facing a challenge. In order to address the problem, there is a need to identify what is causing your pet to behave this way.
You are reinforcing the behavior
When you give attention to your dog each time he barks, he will know that by barking, he will eventually get what he wants. He will keep on engaging in the behavior if you continue on reinforcing, intentionally or unintentionally, it.
Fear or anxiety
A dog that is afraid of something may bark out because of fear and anxiety. You will know when your dog is ‘fe
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