Main » 2018 » June » 3 » Dogs and Kennel Cough
11:58 AM
Dogs and Kennel Cough

Did you know that putting your dog in a kennel or having spend a day at the groomers can jeopardize his health if he hasn’t been vaccinated for kennel cough? Kennel cough is an illness that can develop when dogs are in kennel situations in which there is not appropriate ventilation and the room or area is overcrowded. Kennel cough is a bacteria virus and is like a cold which is contagious. You can protect your pup from kennel cough by walking through a kennel or grooming facility before choosing to leave your dog there. You can also have your dog vaccinated to prevent the development of kennel cough. Not only vaccinations will be 100% effective so be on the lookout for symptoms if your dog has stayed in a kennel recently. Your Hyattsville, MD veterinarian can tell you typical symptoms include including coughing, sneezing, eye discharge, and a runny nose. Visit this link for more information:

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