Sharing your home with a cat means that you need to be forever on the lookout for hazards that could impact your pet’s life. How can you help her stay out of trouble?
Your cat is a wonderful part of your household and it’s important that your living space reflects this. Keep items she could get hurt on out of her reach so she won’t be able to interact with them and take the time to block off spaces that you can’t thoroughly cat-proof. Evaluate any items that are brought into your home so you can determine where they can be placed safely. Another important part of keeping your pet safe is making an effort to give her plenty of other activities to occupy her time. This will prevent her from trying to get into something she shouldn’t. For more information, please contact your local Crown Point, IN veterinarian.
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Your sugar glider is a wonderful part of your family and she seems to want to get out of her enclosure every chance she gets. Why does she need to do this?
Your sugar glider needs to have plenty of time to roam around in an open space, something that her enclosure, no matter how nice, can’t really offer her. This helps her get the physical activity her body craves. She also needs time outside of her enclosure to socialize. Your sugar glider wants to spend as much time with you as she can and she will likely form a strong bond with you once she gets to know you. She needs to feel loved and to understand that she’s a part of your family, which can be shown to her through lots of interaction and attention. For additional information, please contact your local Fort Myers, FL veterinarian.
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Your cat may have a full bowl of food inside your home and still head outside to hunt. Why does she do this when you make sure she is well-fed?
Your pet needs you to understand that she isn’t necessarily hunting because she wants something to eat. She may love the food you are offering her and may have even just eaten a meal prior to heading out. The desire to hunt is instinctual and designed to keep her alive, so she is likely going to still have the urge to chase after and catch prey whenever the opportunity presents itself. This is why a lot of the activities at playtime will be centered around this type of interaction, as it’s fun for your pet to engage in and she wants to hone her skills. For more information, please contact your local Anderson, IN veterinarian.
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Your hamster is an adorable little creature, and you love being able to get to know her more and more each day. This means that you are also becoming familiar with her habits, like constantly being on the look-out for things to chew on. Why does she seek these items out?
Your pet needs to be able to chew on things regularly to maintain her teeth. Your pet’s teeth are continually growing so she always has strong teeth to utilize when she needs them. However, this means that they can get too long rather quickly if she isn’t carefully looking after them. Teeth that get overgrown can become painful, injure your pet, or get broken and sharp. Gnawing on things often can help your pet prevent these issues and keep her from experiencing some of the negative things associated with constant teeth growth. For more information, please contact your local Pasadena, MD veterinarian
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You share your home with a cat and you can’t help but enjoy her company. She loves your home just as much as you do and she spends a good amount of time trying to explore all that it has to offer.
Looking after an adventurous cat like this can be a bit challenging as they always seem to be getting into something else. This means you will need to make sure you take your cat-proofing duties seriously and block off any spaces you don’t want her sneaking into. Remove hazards and fill your living space with interesting things she can check out safely. This is important, as she will likely stay out of trouble more often if she has ways to occupy her time. Rotate items like toys so she always has something fresh and interesting to hold her attention. For more information, please contact your local Somerville, MA veterinarian.
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