Main » 2018 » May » 15

You recently brought a ferret into your home and you want to make sure you are able to be there for your little fur ball however he needs you to be. What should you know about looking after this type of pet?

Your ferret is a smart creature who is also very curious. This means that he will require a high degree of mental stimulation in addition to lots of physical exercise. Take the time to meet your pet’s needs by offering plenty of interesting games for him to take part in and making sure to encourage physical movement while interacting with him. Offer plenty of supervision to make sure your pet isn’t getting into anything he shouldn’t be and make a point to be there whenever something new comes up so you can help your pet adjust to different circumstances. Your local professional ... Read more »

Views: 369 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.15.2018 | Comments (0)

You share your home with a cat and you can’t help but enjoy her company. Now that she’s getting older, you want to make sure your care is changing as her needs do. How can you make this happen?

Your cat will need you to understand that she will require more of your assistance as she ages. She will need a food designed to support her body at this stage of life and her capabilities may change over time as well. She will need you to look after her and take note of these changes so you can augment your care and living space as is appropriate. For example, if you notice her tossing and turning when resting in her bed, you may want to get her a more supportive option so she can relax more. For additional information, click here to contact your local Savannah, GA veterinarian.

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Views: 361 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.15.2018 | Comments (0)

Did you know that mosquitoes can bother your rabbit? If your rabbit is leaving outdoors, keep an eye out for mosquitoes. Depending on the province that you live in, there could be certain diseases that are transmitted from mosquitoes to rabbits. Talk to your vet about your rabbit’s risk for disease and bites from mosquitoes. There may be vaccinations available to protect your rabbit. On your own, you can help protect your rabbit by having your yard treated for mosquitoes. Make sure it’s a treatment that is safe for animals. Hang citronella candles in places where your rabbit can’t reach. These can deter mosquitoes. Some rabbit owners will use a mosquito net to place over the rabbit’s hutch. If you do this, make sure your rabbit cannot get to the net as he may get tangled or hurt. For more tips, talk with your London, ON veterinary clinic.

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Views: 386 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.15.2018 | Comments (0)