Main » 2018 » May » 3 » Why your cat loves to hunt
9:05 PM
Why your cat loves to hunt

Your cat may have a full bowl of food inside your home and still head outside to hunt. Why does she do this when you make sure she is well-fed?

Your pet needs you to understand that she isn’t necessarily hunting because she wants something to eat. She may love the food you are offering her and may have even just eaten a meal prior to heading out. The desire to hunt is instinctual and designed to keep her alive, so she is likely going to still have the urge to chase after and catch prey whenever the opportunity presents itself. This is why a lot of the activities at playtime will be centered around this type of interaction, as it’s fun for your pet to engage in and she wants to hone her skills. For more information, please contact your local Anderson, IN veterinarian.


Views: 407 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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