Main » 2018 » May » 3 » Keeping your cat out of trouble
10:37 PM
Keeping your cat out of trouble

Sharing your home with a cat means that you need to be forever on the lookout for hazards that could impact your pet’s life. How can you help her stay out of trouble?

Your cat is a wonderful part of your household and it’s important that your living space reflects this. Keep items she could get hurt on out of her reach so she won’t be able to interact with them and take the time to block off spaces that you can’t thoroughly cat-proof. Evaluate any items that are brought into your home so you can determine where they can be placed safely. Another important part of keeping your pet safe is making an effort to give her plenty of other activities to occupy her time. This will prevent her from trying to get into something she shouldn’t. For more information, please contact your local Crown Point, IN veterinarian.

Views: 334 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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