Your new cat will need to share your living space with you, and you are excited to be spending time with one another day in and day out. However, you know that right now your home is set up for human use, not necessarily for a furry companion. How can you adapt it to suit your pet’s needs?
There are two main concerns when bringing a pet into your home – keeping her safe and making sure she has everything she needs. These will take you some time to bring into your living space, as it will involve evaluating everything within it. Take the time to remove any potentially hazardous items, and block off those that can’t be eliminated. Then, bring in the pet supply items your cat will need, and find places for them to call home. For more information, please contact your local Mt. Pleasant, SC vet clinic.
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Your dog can do many wonderful things on his own, but bathing himself isn’t one of them. Since he needs your help with this, it’s important to take it seriously. How often should you bathe him?
Your dog will need to take regular baths with a soap or shampoo made for canine use. This can either be on a regular schedule, or on an as-needed basis. The key is to balance bathing with leaving your dog’s natural oils on his skin. You want your pet to be clean so he can be both comfortable and healthy, but bathing your pet too often can lead to dry skin. Luckily, talking with your pet along with some trial and error can help you determine what is right for your pet. Your local Lakeville, MN vet can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home. Visit this website to know more.
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Your dog is a part of your family, so it makes sense that you would want to involve him in family activities. This will likely include celebrations for holidays and special occasions. How can you involve him in a way he will enjoy?
There are many different types of celebrations, and some may be perfectly pet-friendly just as they are. However, some may need a bit of tweaking if your pet is going to be comfortable during these times. Consider safety first, and make sure your pet will be far from harm during these times. Then, look into adding some activities he would enjoy. This may mean talking things over with guests to involve your pet, and it may also mean taking the time to encourage your dog to try new activities. Your local Lakeville, MN veterinarian can offer additional suggestions.
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Your cat’s fur is a big part of what makes her so cute, and you know it also serves several functional purposes to keep her both comfortable and healthy. You want her to look and feel her best. How can you help her care for her fur?
Your cat needs to be healthy in order to have a healthy coat. Opt for high-quality food items, plenty of exercise, and a low-stress lifestyle to help her feel her best. There are even food and treats designed to help boost the health of her fur if your pet needs a bit of extra assistance. You should also brush her regularly and help her to stay clean. This may mean wiping down her fur every now and then, removing foreign debris, and tending to tangled or matted fur. For more information, please contact your local Lakeville, MN veterinarian. See details here:
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Your cat’s whiskers are more than just a cute detail on her face. They are thick, specialized hairs that are attached to highly sensitive nerves. They give your cat advanced perceptive abilities. The whiskers grow to approximately the width of your cat so she can determine whether she can safely squeeze through small spaces. If her head and whiskers fit through the space so will the rest of her body. The whiskers also help your cat judge height and distance so she can easily jump from place to place in relative safety. Your cat can pick up vibrations using her whiskers so she can determine the presence of prey such as mice and their approximate location. She can locate you and other household members especially other pets. This location system is especially valuable in the dark and adds to your cat’s hunting and location abilities. For more information, contact your Marion, IA veterinarian.
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You cat scratches to remove the old worn layers of her nails to expose fresh sharp ones. She also scratches to mark her territory using scent from glands in her feet. This scratching leaves a visual marker too. Thus you may never completely eliminate your cat’s scratching but you can redirect it to more appropriate items than your sofa, drapes, rugs and other personal belongings. Place scratching posts and posts near your cat’s favorite undesirable scratching places. Encourage her to use these items without fuss. Just remove her from the inappropriate area and put her by the scratching post. Cover your targeted personal belongings with strips of aluminum foil or double-sided tape. These materials feel weird to your cat’s feet and will deter her from scratching your items. Praise your cat and give her food treats when you catch her not doing the bad behavior. For more information, contact your Marion, IA veterinarian.
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